Dr Harry Marget

BDS, LDS, Dental surgeon


About Me

After graduation in Adelaide, one of the best dental training institutions in Australia, I worked in general dental practice for 4 years, from Collins street specialists, to other high volume dentist offices.
In 1974 I entered the Endodontic program at Melbourne University.
Shortly after that I bought my first practice a one man office in the south eastern suburbs pf Melbourne.
It was a big step , working on my own and introducing new things costly , but I persisted and by 1978 I had employed three other dentists , and saw that what I loved was making it possible for other dentists to work with good supervision.
Within the nest 2 years I started a brand new office in Collins Street, and began building a larger office with 4 dentist, and also expanding my other office, to now its current size.

What I enjoy

My main love is developing don building dental offices, with the right personnel, a showing other dentists how to succeed and grow.
In that time I have also worked in government clinics and done locum work all over Australia.
My main passion is teaching communication, and skills set development.

What you will gain from our journey

A renewed confidence in both yourself and your team.
A method of building a business inside a business, and learning how to grow.
My contact is best done by phone 0412322253.
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